Over the last two days eebahgum! has undergone a major overhaul. I was very keen to implement categories as a way to arrange my various rants, but such functionality is not native to Blogger as it is to, say, Movable Type. To replicate that concept I've created a number of category pages in a separate blog with similar formatting, and done a lot of linking back to individual post pages. Now when I sit at the keyboard I find myself typing "a href=" without even thinking.
The only immediately obvious change is the floating DHTML menu that you should see to the left of the page which links to each of the category pages, and also gives you a global way of returning 'home'. This is all a bit of a work in progress, but I'm quite happy with the result so far and welcome your feedback.
I've also added a fair amount of new content, especially in the Weird Words archive. Some of you might recognise my weird words as being adaptations of the Word for the Week email series which I wrote a little while back. What the heck, I still like them, and will be posting more of them, as well as new words, regularly.
Now I think it's time for a little lie down.
It's great to see more and more of these personal blogs on Traffic Swarm as opposed to the "get rich quick" type of websites.
Thanks. I must admit I was astonished how much get-rich-quick nonsense there is on Traffic Swarm. It's certainly off-putting, as is the fact that my new DHTML menu isn't working in Traffic Swarm sub-frame.
Most of the hope-pedlars are trying to get rich quickly themselves by flogging get-rich-quick-schemes to others. The delicious irony is that there probably aren't enough desperate or gullible people about to make it worth their while, so they're mostly wasting time they could be putting into earning a respectable income. So the yoke, as it were, is on them :-)
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